Green Energy Doors Open

Join Lumesmart Inc. (LED Lighting Solutions) for the annual Green Energy Doors Open 2019 edition happening across Ontario.
Saturday, September 21st, 2019
Between 11AM-2PM
Showroom #39 at Improve Canada Centre
Green Energy Doors Open (GEDO) is an energy literacy communications campaign and annual showcase of individual, community, and commercially sustainable energy projects. It is organized and spearheaded by OSEA. The initiative aims to showcase advancements in the sector, demonstrating that Ontario is already on the path to building a 100% clean, sustainable energy system.
The GEDO annual showcase weekend celebrates sustainable energy projects and success stories in provinces across Canada. Every year in early autumn, businesses, organizations, community cooperatives, indigenous communities, municipalities, and homeowners open their doors and host events to promote sustainable energy initiatives and technologies in their communities. GEDO aims to raise awareness, support, education and enthusiasm around sustainable energy in Canada